Top tips if you’re set on finding a new home before Christmas

5 Dec 2023 Posted By:

Finding a new home can be stressful at the best of times and even more so at the end of the year when home opens and meetings with a bank or broker need to be scheduled around school windups, work functions and family events.

If you are set on a new home for Christmas, here are some tips to make things easier:

1. Organization is key. This means getting all your paperwork in place. This can include securing pre-approval from a bank, ensuring you have all necessary documentation at hand for the finance process, and making sure there are no discrepancies in your paperwork – even little things such as having all names spelled correctly. It’s helpful to work with a mortgage broker who knows the timeline you’re working to, to make this process easier.

2. Allow plenty of time for settlement. Christmas is traditionally a busy time, so speak to your settlement agency about expected timeframes and what you can do to make things easier from their perspective. It’s also a good idea to find out trading hours over the Christmas/New Year period as a lot of agencies close during this time.

3. Also allow enough time between the finance approval date and settlement if your offer is subject to finance. Delays can easily occur during the approval process, and you don’t want to be stressed trying to finalise your finance. Not giving yourself enough time can end up being a costly mistake or create additional pressure you don’t need at this time of year. Speak to your settlement agent and bank/broker about an appropriate timeframe.

4. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to have everything perfect at Christmas. If you’re trying to buy a home (and maybe sell your own at the same time), maybe it’s time for someone else to host the family lunch. Or you could go out instead or keep festivities low key.

5. Consider engaging the services of a Buyer’s Agent who will work on your behalf and handle everything from sourcing properties to inspections, paperwork and settlement. They charge a small fee – generally similar to what a selling agent charges, as a percentage of the sale price – but if you can afford to add it to your budget you will no doubt add it to your peace of mind as well.


30 November 2022